FRAUD WARNING: There is a scammer using email addresses ending in emergentsoftwarecareers.net, claiming to be from our company, and even using our branding. The scammer has used the names Ken Jones and David ODonnell. Anything from emergentsoftwarecareers.net is not affiliated with our company. Do not reply back or click any links from email addresses with this domain. The only valid domains you will receive emails from is emergentsoftware.net and emergentstaffing.net.
We never stop hiring. We know that great engineers and software experts are hard to find, so when we find the right people to add to our team, we bring them on board and get them busy. If you’re a rockstar at your job but don't see a posting on this page that fits your typical role, please reach out at hello@emergentsoftware.net.
Open positions
Why work for Emergent Software?
Check out some reasons below why it is awesome to work for Emergent Software and apply today to get started...
Remote, forever!
Since our inception, Emergent Software has always been remote-friendly, but partly as a result of COVID, we pivoted to being a remote-first company. Once a Minneapolis based company, we now have employees and clients all over the country. With the right collaboration tools in place, our geographic diversity has quickly increased while we maintain our “Minnesota nice” culture. Wherever you are, we work hard to make sure everyone feels equally valued as a member of our team.
Our commitment to flexibility has earned us a place on the Minneapolis-St Paul Business Journal's list of the Best Places to Work in the Twin Cities for two years running!
Work with modern technologies
We are technology solution providers--this means the architects and engineers (including you) get to determine the tech stack and application architecture used on each project. We stay cutting edge, constantly learning new languages, systems, and cloud services and we have fun doing it. We simply love solving problems with software!
Learn together as a team
At Emergent Software, you’re surrounded by engineers and software experts who enjoy building software and who are excited to share their knowledge with others. With regular talk shops, lunch & learns, and other opportunities to share, you can learn from others and also contribute knowledge to the rest of the team.
In addition, we offer up to 100 hours per year for each staff member to focus on self-directed skills development and we encourage you to use those hours.
Full benefits package & profit sharing
We have you covered with our full package of benefits including medical (HSA options available), dental, vision, 401(k) match, FSA, disability, and life insurance. We also offer a generous profit-sharing program, and even a Staff Rewards Program, in which employees can earn extra cash through sales/staff referral spiffs and bonuses for extra effort.